
Showing posts from October, 2022

Functioning of an Article Directory

   Many people have the misconception that a search engine and an article directory are the same thing. This notion is completely wrong as a search engine searches the whole internet with the mentioned word or phrase and brings up all sorts of findings. When searching for an article with the help of a search engine it can bring up anything on the internet written by anybody. It may be good or bad, it may have wrong information, and the search engine does not make any distinction between them. Article directories on the other are special websites equipped with a search engine. The website or the company employs people to read many articles submitted by its members, select the good ones and categorize them as per their specific niche. The content directories or databases are an amalgamation of submitted articles by many authors. These directories are sometimes leased to educational institutions for certain time periods mainly for learning or research work. The articles posted on...