Functioning of an Article Directory

   Many people have the misconception that a search engine and an article directory are the same thing. This notion is completely wrong as a search engine searches the whole internet with the mentioned word or phrase and brings up all sorts of findings. When searching for an article with the help of a search engine it can bring up anything on the internet written by anybody. It may be good or bad, it may have wrong information, and the search engine does not make any distinction between them. Article directories on the other are special websites equipped with a search engine. The website or the company employs people to read many articles submitted by its members, select the good ones and categorize them as per their specific niche. The content directories or databases are an amalgamation of submitted articles by many authors. These directories are sometimes leased to educational institutions for certain time periods mainly for learning or research work. The articles posted on different websites can never be trustworthy as it may carry wrong information. But the articles on an content directory is first scrutinized by professionals and then posted on the directory. The content directories have categories and sub-categories under which the articles are kept; it is easy to find an article by searching with the required keyword.

There may be many reasons behind why a person might want to become a member of an content directory website and submit articles. A reason may be that one might want to publicize one's own writings by posting them online, or this might have a business point of view also. If a person has a website concerning a certain thing or issue, then that person can write articles and put them up on content directories so that the readers can trace back to the original website, with the help of the link attached to the article. This increases traffic to the author's website. An article directory can also be very helpful to webmasters, web developers and bloggers as they can easily get quality content to be used for specific purposes. Sometimes e-magazines take content from article directories. So the writers whose article is published in an online article directory may be greatly helped. Sometimes the articles carry link to the author's original website, thus, in the process popularizing the author's website as well.

Submitting content to article directories is not as easy as submitting an article to a free article hosting site. Requests of inclusion of an content may be made to the respective authorities. But the articles have to of a certain standard if they are to be published on the website. The articles have to contain enough information regarding the given topic. The better the quality of the article, the more exposure it gets on the directory. Some directories follow the voting system, which is, a reader may vote for or against an article, and that's how the articles are listed in the article directory.

If you write a lot of articles, you may have wondered what it would take in order to have your own article directory, the truth is the only thing you really need is time to produce content. This being said there are ways you can make quality content to fill small gaps in search engines and quickly produce some "short" articles in order to fill out your site This article looks at a simple quick and effective way to get your own directory off the ground cheaply and quickly.

Things You Will Need To Start Your Own Article Directory Online

For once this list is fairly small! (and cheap)

A web address (

A web host (pick one that has 1 click WordPress installation)

An article directory WordPress theme (available free)

A WordPress Article directory plugin (available for free)

A lot of time in the beginning to produce your content

Pick your website name and title and find a quality host that allows quick installation of WordPress themes and plugins, you can do a quick search online for an article directory theme and plugin, they are easily available free of charge, follow the set up instructions to install both of those and you are ready to begin adding your content!

Setting Up Your Categories In Your Article Directory

This is a little time consuming, however my advice here is to start with around 10 main titles such as art, cars, SEO and so on (or use an article directory for ideas of categories) Pick out around 10 that you like the look of and are not going to get bored writing about. (remember you will need to continually supply content until your directory takes off!)

Once you have made up all your categories add just 1 related sub category to each of your main headings, this will give you an extra line of links back to your main page.

Adding Your Content To Your Directory

To get started the quickest way of getting some content on your directory is using "" searches with little to no results in search engines, you should also use the related searches feature of the search engine to produce a few low competition article titles for your article directory.

Once you have a title, write up a keyword rich related article and submit it under the relevant heading of your site. Repeat this around 2 times for each of the sub headings that you made earlier.

Note: If you do not have long spells to create all the articles in 1 go, think about how many you can do and create categories for just those, this will stop your website looking empty.

Building Up Your List of Authors

This section is a little of a "cheats" way of doing things, to get figures and stats on your directory you can create author accounts for yourself, then go through your categories again and repeat this for around 20 authors, this will give you stats that look like your directory is growing, and also continually add new and fresh content to your directory.

If you have a fair amount of spare time you can get this section done fairly quickly and you will soon find that other authors are coming to your site and adding content for you!

No doubt, article marketing is one of the most effective internet marketing strategies which achieves the twin objectives of getting massive backlinks (much needed for top search engine ranking) and getting massive traffic.

An identification of top article directories thus becomes crucial so that the article marketing efforts of the internet marketer will be focused and strategically directed towards those article directories that will give him the best results for his efforts.

With the current web explosion, there are countless article directories, most of which are a mere waste of the internet marketer's efforts.

When it comes to article marketing, there are primarily two schools of thought as to how extensively the internet marketer should syndicate his articles.

The first school of thought argues that it is best to syndicate to only a few top article directories.

They argue that these are the best, anyway The internet marketer is thus left with extra time to deploy towards other internet marketing strategies.

They also point out the duplicate content issues that results from the massive article marketing campaign of their antagonists.

The other school of thought argues that it is advisable for the internet marketer to syndicate his articles to as many article directories as possible.

They hinge their argument on the fact that the more article directories you syndicate to, the more backlinks and traffic you will generate.

While proponents of the first school of thought can easily accomplish their task given the relatively lower time and cost involvement, those who are protagonists of the second school of thought are in a quandary as they either have to devote so much time doing their submissions manually which may end up being uneconomical or spend more money in lieu as they need to either buy article submission softwares or pay monthly subscriptions for submission services.

We suggest a middle of the road provision to cater for the requirement of the proponents of this second school of thought by showcasing the most up to date list of top article directories on the internet.

In traversing the internet, we observed the following shortcomings in such lists maintained.

1. Usually out of date

Most of those who present such lists do not from the outset, present them in a form conducive for regular updates.

They also seem to lose steam very fast and leave such lists un-updated. The list thereby presented is not only ineffective but dangerous, since resulting decisions therefrom are inherently flawed. A simple case of the computer terminology, "garbage in, garbage out".

2. Basis of arriving at the ranking is often flawed

Some use only the Google Rank to determine ranking Since the webmaster puts his article on any article directory primarily to get viewed and send traffic to his website, this can be flawed. Thus, if the directory has a high Google Rank but low traffic, a major objective of the webmaster is left un-achieved.

Some others use only Alexa rating as the basis of ranking, without regard for the fact that a major objective of most webmasters is to "ride on the back" of article directories with high rank to achieve top search engine placement for their pages keyword phrases and thereby get their articles viewed via the search engines.

Some indicate the two (Google Rank and Alexa Rating) but then try to deduce a ranking factor by combining the two factors to arrive at one ranking factor. Problem!, as the two, while working independently to achieve its own ranking for each separate objective, are not that compatible to be "averaged" to arrive at a "common" ranking factor.

Some deduce other completely unrelated or at best very remotely related ranking factors such as number of backlinks etc to the article directory.

Some even use other subjective factors not disclosed to highlight some article directories and declare them as "top article directories".

With all these inefficiencies, there is no doubt a gap for a well articulated, reasonably large and regularly updated top article directories list with clickable links to serve the need of most internet marketing newbies who quite often can not afford to pay for article submission softwares nor article submission services but fall within the second school of thought, who believe their articles should be reasonably widely syndicated.


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